Aloe- lessen pain, hydrates dry hair, & healing, moisturizing, rejuvenating skin
Anise- calming, lessen pain, aphrodisiac, promotes restful sleep, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, increases appetite, & stimulates lactation in nursing mothers
Basil (sweet)- calming, lessen pain, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, improves digestion, stimulates location in nursing mothers, improves mental clarity & memory, helps reduce cellulite deposits, & soothes insect bites
Bay (sweet)- relaxes tight muscles, soothes sprains, lessen pain, calming, promotes restful sleep, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, improves mental clarity & memory, promotes perspiration, disinfectant, repels insects
Benzoin- warming the body, reduces stress, calming, helpful for meditation, relaxes tight muscles, breaks up congestion, reduces inflammation, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, helps reduce cellulite deposits, healing skin, & preservative in cosmetics
Bergamot- balances nervous system, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, disinfectant, and reduces anxiety, nervous tension, & stress
Bois de rose (rosewood)- calming, lessens pain, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, relieves nervousness & stress, and skin tissue regenerator & moisturizer
Caieput- warming the body, calming, relaxes tight muscles, promotes restful sleep, breaks up congestion, vapors help breathing, disinfectant, repels insects, and relieves muscles aches & pains
Caraway- relieves pain, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, increases appetite, stimulates location in nursing mothers
Cardamom- warming the body, relieves pain, mood uplifting, improves digestion, and improves mental clarity & memory
Cedarwood- calming, relaxes tight muscles, helpful for meditation, lessens pain, promotes restful sleep, vapors help breathing, repels insects, and reduces anxiety & tension
Celery- reduces tension, calming, promotes restful sleep, & helps reduce cellulite deposits
Chamomile- calming, lessen pain, promotes restful sleep, reduces inflammation, improves digestion, increases appetite, healing skin, soothes insect bites, and reduces stress & tension
Cinnamon bark & leaf- warming the body, relaxes tight muscles, lessen pain, mood lifting, aphrodisiac, helps relieve fatigue, improves digestion, increase appetite, helps reduce cellulite deposits, disinfectant, & repels insects
Clay Sage- calming, lessen pain, promotes restful sleep, aphrodisiac, improves digestion, contains estrogen-like hormone, encourages communication, and reduces stress & tension
Clove- warming the body, relieves pain, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, aphrodisiac, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, disinfectant, repels insects, and improves mental clarity & memory
Coriander- relieves pain, helps relieves fatigue, improves digestion, and improves mental clarity & memory
Cubeb- relieves pain, breaks up congestion, vapors help breathing, & improves digestion
Cumin- warming the body, relieves pain, helps relieve fatigue, energizing, & improves digestion
Cypress- relaxes tight muscles, calming, promotes restful sleep, regulates female reproductive system, reduces perspiration, helps reduce cellulite deposits, contracts weak connective tissue, tones skin, stops bleeding from injuries, and reduces stress & tension
Dill- reduces stress, calming, relieves pain, promotes restful sleep, improves digestion, stimulates lactation in nursing mothers, & repels insects
Eucalyptus- cooling body, relieves pain, refreshing, breaks up congestion, reduces inflammation, vapor help breathing, disinfectant, & repels insects
Fennel- warming the body, relieves pain, improves digestion, increases appetite, contains estrogen-like hormone, stimulates lactation in nursing mothers, helps reduce cellulite deposits, & repels insects
Frankincense- calming, helpful for meditation, promotes restful sleep, reduces inflammation, encourages communication, and healing skin & wrinkles
Geranium- calming, stimulating, lessen pain, mood uplifting, encourages communication, helps reduce cellulite deposits, stops bleeding from injuries, soothes itching skin, repels insects, and reduces stress & tension
Ginger- warming the body, relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, mood lifting, aphrodisiac, helps relieve fatigue, energizing, improves digestion, increases appetite, and improves mental clarity & memory
Grapefruit- cooling the body, mood lifting, helps relieve fatigue, refreshing, energizing, increases physical strength, helps reduces cellulite deposits, and improves mental clarity & memory
Jasmine- Mood uplifting and aphrodisiac
Juniper Berries- Lessen pain, energizing, reduces inflammation, helps reduce cellulite deposits, soothes insect, repels insects, and improves mental clarity & memory
Lavender- Calming, Stimulating, relaxes tight muscles, lessen pain, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, balances mood swings, breaks up congestion, reduces inflammation, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, disinfectant, healing skin, soothes insect bites, repels insects, and reduces stress & tension
Lemon- Cooling body, balances nervous system, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, refreshing, helps reduce cellulite deposits, stops bleeding from injuries, disinfectant, soothes insect bites, improves mental clarity & memory, and balances, calming, & energizing
Lemongrass- Calming, balances nervous system, reduces inflammation, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, stimulates, contracts weak connective tissue, disinfectant, tones skin, & repels insects
Lime- Cooling body, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, refreshing, energizing, helps reduce cellulite deposits, disinfectant, soothes insect bites, and improves mental clarity & memory
Mandarin- Cooling body, calming, mood uplifting, and reduces stress & tension
Marjoram- Warming the body, calming, relaxes tight muscles, promotes restful sleep, breaks up congestion, reduces inflammation, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, disinfectant, soothes insect bites
Melissa- Promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, reduces stress & anxiety, calming & relaxing, and relieves aches & pains
Myrrh- Helpful for meditation, mood uplifting, reduces inflammation, & healing skin
Myrtle- Calming & vapors help breathing
Neroli- Relieves nervous tension, promotes restful sleep, & mood uplifting
Nutmeg- Calming, stimulating, relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, improves digestion
Orange- Cooling body, reduces stress, calming, promotes restful sleep, & mood uplifting
Palmarosa- Warming the body, relaxes tight muscles, lessens pain, mood uplifting, reduces inflammation, & healing, regenerating, moisturizing skin
Patchouli- Mood lifting, aphrodisiac, nerve stimulant, disinfectant, healing skin, & repels insects
Black Pepper- Warming the body, relaxes tight muscles, & improves digestion
Peppermint- Cooling the body, relieves pain, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, aphrodisiac, refreshing, energizing, nerve stimulant, increases physical strength, breaks up congestion, reduces inflammation, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, increases appetite, reduces lactation in nursing mothers, soothes itching skin, repels insects, and improves mental clarity & memory
Peru Balsam- Warming the body, calming, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, healing the skin
Petitgrain- Calming, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, healing the skin, improves mental clarity & memory, and reduces anxiety, stress, & tension
Pine- Lessen pain, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, refreshing, energizing, increases physical strength, breaks up congestion, vapors help breathing, disinfectant, and improves mental clarity & memory
Rose- Calming, lessens pain, mood uplifting, aphrodisiac, increases physical strength, reduces inflammation, healing the skin
Rosemary- Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, energizing, nerve stimulant, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, help reduce cellulite deposits, disinfectant, repels insects, and improves mental clarity & memory
Sage- Lessen pain, reduces lactation in nursing mother, reduces perspiration, & disinfectant
Sandalwood- Reduces stress, calming, helpful for meditation, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, aphrodisiac, healing the skin
Spearmint- Cooling the skin, relieves pain, mood uplifting, helps relieve fatigue, aphrodisiac, refreshing, energizing, nerve stimulant, increases physical strength, breaks up congestion, reduces inflammation, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, increases appetite, soothes itching skin, repels insects, and improves mental clarity & memory
Spruce- Calming, breaks up congestion, vapors help breathing, encourages communication
Tea Tree- Lessens pain, vapors help breathing, disinfectant, healing the skin
Thyme- Warming the body, relaxes tight muscles, lessens pain, mood uplifting, aphrodisiac, increases physical strength, breaks up congestion, reduces inflammation, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, helps reduce cellulite deposits, disinfectant, repels insects, increases appetite & perspiration, and improves mental clarity & memory
Tolu Balsam- Mood uplifting, deodorant, and fixative for perfumes & fragrances
Vetiver- Calming, relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, promotes restful sleep, increases physical strength, healing the skin, repels insects, and reduces stress & tension
Ylang Ylang- Calming, relaxes tight muscles, lessens pain, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting, aphrodisiac, encourages communication, & disinfectant
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